Nine months ago, I was working out at the gym and I got a phone call from our foster care worker a new worker to us. She proceeded to tell me that she didn't want to bother doing a reassessment on us if we were not planning on taking placements. You see we have had our hands full with Mr. Aaron and for the most part since Ash had left we finalized Aaron's adoption and did respite for other foster parents here and there but we hesitated to take a long term placement. This conversation with the worker was heavy on my heart because I was not ready to give up my foster license. It just so happened that Randy and I had a date night planned that night and we discussed the matter and we agreed to no long term placements but he said I could take short placements, hmmmm if you know the foster care world at all you know that the placements very rarely go as planned. So I called our worker and said yes, we wanted a baby girl preferably African American, Aaron requested a sister, "to match him," his words!
The next day I got the call. "We have a baby girl 2 weeks old, will you take the placement?" Ummm yesssssssssssssssss, when can she come?
Termination on the mom was already started, and father is unknown. Adoption was not our goal at first, but this sweet girl slipped right into our hearts and quickly.
So whats so incredible to me is that it was like this, God already knew long before we did that we would be parents to not just two biological children but to four amazing children! God hand picked us for Lavender I can imagine a beautiful Lavender rose, rare but beautiful hand picked and handed to us from God. I Love the fact that we had no idea and yet God was probably laughing at us thinking they have no idea what amazing things I have planned for them as parents. I mean seriously I can't think of anything more amazing then being a mom and be given a child by God. Yes God gives us all our children biological and adopted but to think that when something happens something goes wrong or not wrong but a child is born and they need someone to call them their own God gets to decide, to me that just blows my mind. If your just open to Gods call in your life no matter what it may be and you just sit back and say, " ok God use me, whatever you have planned I will listen for the call".
There is a lot more to the story of course but it will be Lavenders story and someday she will learn her whole story and it will be all hers to share. As for now we are a household celebrating the Love and Faithfulness of our Christ. The next thing I can't wait to do is to write to birth mom and share the amazing news with her as she also wrote to the judge telling him she wanted Lavender to be adopted by us. We have built a relationship through corresponding and a couple of visits and I truly believe that one day we will be able to celebrate together this beautiful baby girls milestones in life. She loves her daughter so we already have a ton in common, seriously when I have visited with her I would adopt her to.
By law our precious daughter is an orphan "status" on papper work, so the quicker we can get through the adoption process the better! But as we so often have been shown also know it's in Gods timing not ours.
Everyone has different callings for their life, different gifts. I would just urge you to be open and listen to what God is calling for your life what God has planned for your purpose here on earth. And your cup will runneth over in joy,peace,love..... well the fruits of the spirit!
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