Monday, September 20, 2010

Court today

Court today I'm completely drained emotionally. other then the announcements and saying we were present that was the only time we were in the court room. Our Lawyer and the stand in Lawyer for L's conferences with ADA and DHS in back room. L's Lawyer couldn't be there so ask for a fill in to go and say what she felt was in the best interest of L was to remain in our home. Then DHS or ADA accused fill in of coming and lying and said that her Lawyer said that if this last guy wasn't dad, then she would not contest anything, I was there she didn't say that, she said that if this last guy isn't dad then were finished testing fathers and she will agree on termination on all dads. Short of it is, L's atty coming to the reshuffled hearing of Oct 8 and the fill in said there will be fireworks going off because they are now accusing a lawyer who donates her time to protect the best interest of children in custody, of setting this whole thing up a purposefully dragging it out so we could adopt L. We do not have any relationship with this Lawyer she told us she was not on any side only the best interest of L, I really can't believe that DHS is doing this. DHS supervisor actually pulled L's normal worker from case she was not at court today"supposedly" had an emergency hearing downtown. All this to protect DHS policy of placing with family even though this person is a by marriage relative.Today I received an email from a cousin who has siblings stating she isn't on any ones side either and can understand both sides just hopes to remain a part of L's life, well of course that is a huge plan for me as well but DHS case is that this by marriage relative has a relationship with this cousin. Obviously by this email we also have a relationship and both want to have the kids connected so the difference is Oklahoma where they have many family members and visit every summer from GA, or Florida and GA.We had a great visit in July and got to know each other. Anyways crazy praying for word from God and to stay in his will and seek prayer for every thing we do.

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