Monday, December 1, 2008

Dedicating Ash

after the weekend spent with sweet little Ash, Grandma well one grandma she lives with two that adopted her asked us if anything was to happen to Grandma 1 would we consider raising Ash OMG yes of course also she asked us if we would be her God parents, she wasn't sure if that was something you just wrote down or did, I explained to her the process of dedication at our church and we would love to dedicate her as we didn't get to when she lived with us because of timing. They want this done and so Dec 21 if all goes according we will be dedicating this sweet girl and hopefully grandmas will come to witness they do not go to church but believe in God. Please pray as I know God is doing his work as always through us and I give him all the Glory, we will be having our baby Ash dedicated exactly 2 years after we handed her over to Grandma.


Molly said...

I haven't been great at keeping up with your blog and have been trying to play catch up tonight.

So you all are still getting calls to take kids? This kills me. I hate the thought of our system and so many kids don't have places to go. I wonder if God is calling me, us, to someday do foster care. It's a scary thought for us, as I am sure it is for anyone. But it keeps coming back to me, maybe God wants us to do it one day.

But, I feel like someone has to take a stand for these kids. Know that I am inspired to read about you and your family. Know that I will keep you covered in prayer. I will try and follow you closer so that I can know how to pray. Aaron is beautiful and I am sure more than you ever dreamed!

mom2many said...

I am in awe of the way God orchestrates our lives. Congratulations on the dedication of "Ash". We have only had to send 2 babies back, but are very close with the foster family who took them. (They are back with their mother who has recently apologized for how she treated me....WOW!) SO, I understand what it's like to know what's going on with your former foster's a blessing! By the way...the word verification for this is "ashad"!

Anonymous said...

Molly and Tracy you both are complete inspirations for me, wow about the word verifications I truly believe the more open to Gods word and direction he wants your life to go and listening to his "whispers" the more he changes and molds our lives in incredible ways that we could have never imagined, yes so many babies and children in our own backyards! Thanks you both!!!!