Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Easter Weekend

So excited for this Thursday, I will head to Enid to pick up our sweet girl for the weekend! We are getting pictures done as a family so I will post as soon as I can. Aaron is so excited for A to visit as he asks for her daily. Can't wait to watch the two of them running around together getting eggs as they are old enough now to get a little bit of the easter egg hunt. I always look so forward to our time together! Then Monday and Tuesday I will be doing respite for a fostermom friend, a tiny baby girl she is only six pounds can't wait to hold a tiny baby again! We will see how it goes with a newborn in the house with Mr. Aaron and take it from there as to open our home again to emergency baby placements, pray that God speaks loudly to me as to where to go from here!


Molly said...

How fun! I can't wait to see the pictures of your family!

Have fun with the baby...what a treat!

mom2many said...

Praying that God blows the "emergency" foster care door WIDE open for you!!! Have fun with that itty bitty! I can't wait to get ours home to love on! Oh...and I am anxious to hear about your page in your Bible...